Case Studies

Produce market leader

Written by Gary Tufnell | Jul 2, 2023 2:33:15 PM

Better Quality Diced Pepper with Raytec’s Dryce Machine

The Challenge

This customer is a market leader in the collection, processing, packaging, and distribution of mushrooms and other wild fruits and vegetables in the Balkans and Macedonia. 

But their supply of diced, frozen pepper was often contaminated with black spots, green defects, and pieces of stalk and leaves. 

The customer already owned Raytec machines for their other production lines, and were so pleased with the results of the Raynbow and the Spray, that they came back to Raytec for help with their diced pepper line.

Our Solution

Raytec installed a Dryce DR-602 to help with the sorting and inspection process. The Dryce is specially designed to sort frozen and dried produce, as it uses the highest resolution cameras to examine 100% of the product surface, and to detect internal imperfections.

With both the Visible Colour and Shape analysis functions, Dryce was able to identify black spots, green discolouration and excess pieces of stalk and leaves, and remove these from the production line.